The Ultimate Guide To Buying Diamond Stud Earrings
For Men and Women
Are diamond stud earrings still in style?
Diamond stud earrings will never go out of style, they are the most timeless and popular piece of jewellery! From special occasions to everyday wear a classic pair of diamond stud earrings can be passed on to the next generation. Today they are a popular gift for Valentine’s Day, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Push Presents and as a Wedding gift between couples.

Do Men wear diamond stud earrings?
Going back in history 7000 years, diamond earrings were originally mainly worn by men to express their higher class origins, and were found in ancient Asia. Today the only question to ask yourself is do I want to wear a single diamond stud or a pair of diamond earring studs? And the answer is both are very popular and it’s a personal choice based on your style.